Monday, December 27, 2010

A Resolution for 2011: More Protective Styling

I think that I'm so used to whipping my hair back and forth (ok that was tres cliche) these days that I'm prone to wearing my hair down. Ok...meaning 99.99% of the time. I'm not a fan of ponytails, buns, or anything that makes me feel that my hair is constrained. But I MUST adopt this in my process of obtaining BSL by mid 2011. So yes, I will be having long self-talks these next couple of days to convince myself that I can pull this look off!

Goal: Protective Style Buns/Updos/Ponytails on work days, Wearing twistouts, braidouts, and roller sets out on weekends and/or date nights!

Here are some ideas that I am going to try out for the next couple of months....

The side fishtail braid. I love this look and the glasses simply make it haut!

Flowers instantly add life to a boring updo. I love the simplicity of this look. Larger flowers work for this look as well.

I've been a big fan of Shingai Soniwa's look for a while now. I love how she takes natural styles up a notch with her choice of accessories.

This look is stunningly elegant. The model's eyelashes and hair style are definitely the focus points in this picture. Hopefully I can achieve this look with the correct amount of "bigness" <---NEW WORD by the end of 2011

A beautiful spin on a protective style...

When all else fails...shove it under a hat :)

Now...onto Part 2 of Protective Styling: Dressing it Up!

Accessories are a beautiful addition to Protective Styling. Some of the most breath taking pictures that I have seen of women wearing buns and updos becomes even more enchanting when I see them wearing a pair of stand-out earrings. In some cases, the bigger...THE BETTER!

This one would compliment a side swept updo very well if it was worn in the ear that is exposed...


  1. Oooh I love the second too last style!! I may just have found my wedding style :) So pretty!

  2. OMG ur a cancer!! Me too!! July 12th ((HUGS))

