Thursday, March 1, 2012

Back to the Basics

Trim. Check.
Au Naturale. Check. Check.
Braidout. Check. Check. Check.

I'm back to the braidout after bunning for one week and doing a rollerset for the previous weekend. My length has taken me from BSL to right above the bra strap.

It's all good.

I'd rather healthy hair than damaged ends.

I'm thinking about cutting the front of my hair a little bit. I don't like the way it falls when I do my braidouts.

This part of my hair grows much quicker than the other areas, so taking it to the top of my lip shouldn't be a major issue.

In the meantime, here's some pictures of my braidout. Day 1 & Day 2.

P.S. I have a new camera. The Canon EOS Rebel T2i. I am in love. Period. The end.


  1. Ooooh, your braids are super shiny.

    You got a lovely texture to this braid-out! I've gotta sub. (**,)


  2. Your hair looks fantastic. How many braids did you have in your hair? 6? I may give this look a try:-)

  3. Thanks so much Simply! A braidout gives me the texture others get from twist outs but I have had no luck with twistouts

    MrsDjRass, thank you! I used 7 braids. Two on the sides, one at the top and four in the back. Definitely try it, its a very easy look to achieve!
