Twist Out/Braid Out: Pros -
Twist Out: Cons -
Drying time (sometimes) cannot be predicted
Style has to be planned
Wash N Go: Pros -
Low Manipulation Hair Style
Quick style, can be completed within ten minutes and you're out the door!
Curl definition is more noticeable
Wash N Go: Cons -
Welcome to: "Shrinkage City"
Dealing with wet hair for at least an hour (unless you use a diffuser to dry hair)
Tangling and Matting of hair
Single Strand Knots
Finding the method that is perfect for you
As you can see, both styles have their ups and downs. It's all about what works for you in the end!
I'm transistioning now but not sure if I'm going to break down and perm again because I've been wearing my hair straight. Not sure how my hair will last in the summer b/c of the humidity. Both styles above are good options for the summer!