Sunday, April 8, 2012

First Twist Out Success!

For some reason, I have never been able to master the twist out. It seems like it never gives me enough definition, and the twists are usually all over the place. I tried more of a twist-row (kind of like a corn row) to achieve a more defined twist out. And it worked! I'm still toying around with it, but I think I will be alternating between braidouts and twistouts this Spring. 

Woop woop!


  1. Looks great Sis, I always do a combination of 2 strands and flat twists. That is pretty much what you have done. I do flats around the front and crown so that the hair lays the way that I want it to. Also with two strands and the bonnet they can go in so many directions. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks so much for the compliments and the tips! I really appreciate your advice and will be using those techniques next time! BTW your twists look amazing! Looking at your blog gave me so many ideas for the summer! :)

  2. Loving the curls, looking very pretty doll.

